Compressors Unlimited Intl., L.L.C. on “Remanufacturing”
It’s vital to be able recognize the difference between a remanufactured compressor and a rebuilt one. That’s why we have compiled a few tips to help you understand the difference.
Why Amusement Parks Choose Remanufactured Compressors
For amusement parks with dozens or hundreds of compressors, the total replacement cost can easily rise into the millions. This is why most parks turn to remanufactured commercial compressors.
The Historical Moves of the Bitzer Commercial Compressor
Founded in 1934, Bitzer is the largest compressor technology company to originate in Germany.
Why the 5H Carrier HVAC Compressor is in High Demand
The 5H is an open-drive reciprocating compressor that comes in a range of 25 to 150 nominal horsepower and 92.4 to 346 nominal CFM.